Once you’ve installed the Duo mobile app on your smartphone or tablet, you can select to receive a Duo notification.
Check out the information below or contact us so we can help. There are several ways you can use Duo here at UNA. Learn more about Duo on our tutorials page. With Duo activated on your account and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use Duo. You can also check the box – Remember Me for 30 Days to only perform the authentication once a month on that device.
The site will prompt you to enter your device information and will open the Duo app to finalize the process. Log into our registration site using your UNA username (without and your UNA password. Our tutorials will walk you through the process or you can open your device's camera and scan the QR code below from your device to open our registration site. You must register your device and sync Duo to your University account to properly protect your account with Duo. To connect to your app store to download the app for your device, use the links below, scan the QR code below, or search 'Duo Mobile' in your device's app store. You will need the Duo app to verify your identity. Register For Duoįollow the steps below to begin using Duo or view our tutorials for step-by-step guides.
Check out our frequently asked questions link above. How can you receive Duo notifications on your new device? We’ve got the answer to that question, and others.